Monday, 3 March 2014

October 17th A Bad Day at the Office

October 17th 2013

Without a doubt Christian is about the rudest, snottiest kid I have ever had the displeasure to teach. His dad is a psychiatrist and a really lovely gentleman. Christian's sister, Arabella, was also really lovely to teach when I helped her with A Levels. The trouble with Christian is that he thinks he is cleverer than he is. Don't get me wrong he has brains, but his written style is abominable and he has B.O. As much as I hate Gove the Toad, if he could improve grammar in conjunction with the hygiene of school boys then he would have done one good thing as Minister for Education.

I mean what the fuck are some of these English teachers doing? I can understand the problem if you are in a short staffed school with 30+ kids in your class and no time, but some of these private school teachers need a kick up the backside. I have been looking through some of Christian's essays which have been marked by his teacher and they have made barely any comments on his writing; the boy writes run on sentences for half a page with no goddam fucking commas.

Still, where Christian is concerned, I don't care any longer and perhaps his teacher doesn't either. I have gone to the trouble of preparing lessons and then he quizzes me on my own knowledge of things unconnected with the paper just to see how much history I know. I will admit that there are some periods of British History with which I am not that familiar. If it's American History of the eighteenth century then I'm on firm ground, but I know little about the Civil War, for instance.

Anyway today we were looking at Civil Rights in the USA, which I find a deeply interesting subject but Christian doesn't seem bothered in learning about the trade union movements. He hasn't done the homework and he expects me to sit there and spoon-feed him knowledge like it's Tiramisu. Well I have had enough. I am going to invent an acting job and say that I can't teach him anymore. It's time I stopped tutoring lark. Why does it have to be so flexible and reasonably well paid?